IT Budget Requests


Projects that require funding should be submitted as an IT Budget Request. First, document and submit the desired, intent and purpose for the investment in technology with support from a sponsor (VP, Dean, Depart. Head). Then submit the request through the Begin Budget Request button.  Once submitted, the budget request is technically reviewed, discussed and support aspects assessed for possible implementation. Next the budget request is recommended for possible funding and prioritized based on college strategic initiatives. Once the budget request has been reviewed and has been approved, the request will receive final review and funding is allocated.

Please note the following:

  • Using the on-line form, you may either submit all requests on behalf of your department, or you may request each individual to submit their own requests once they have discussed their requirements with you. 
  • To be considered, each request must include a detailed description and justification of the need, along with fully-articulated outcome and assessment information (for example, how is this request aligned with Nazareth's institutional goals? How will this technology benefit Nazareth's students, now and in the future? How will we measure whether or not the implementation of this technology has been "successful?")
  • ITS will determine whether the request should fall under the Capital or Non-Recurring Operating Expense category.
  • You are not required to include specific hardware, software or dollar amount information upon initial request submission (although you may, of course, include specifics if you do have the information available).  ITS will work with you to prepare the specification and pricing for the required items, and we will update the project request accordingly.  
  • Based on an estimate provided by HR, ITS will include a budget amount for standard hardware/software to allow for incremental growth in faculty and staff as appropriate.  However, if you are aware of specialized hardware/software needs for a particular new hire, please submit this as a specific request.  
  • The budget request service only guarantees that the request will be reviewed, but there is no guarantee the budget request will be approved.
  • We would appreciate receiving your requests as soon as possible. All requests must be received by mid December for consideration. 


Budget requests can be submitted by Nazareth faculty and staff

Getting Started

Click on the Begin Budget Request button on this page to get started.

Additional Resources

Members of the ITS team will be pleased to meet with you to discuss your technology needs for next year.  Please contact Mary Jo Callahan on x2084 to arrange for a consultation if you have any questions or problems using the process or the on-line form.

Begin Budget Request

Related Articles (1)

Budget and Project requests can now be submitted through the client portal. This article describes how to do that.


Service ID: 50093
Tue 7/13/21 11:11 AM
Wed 10/6/21 11:51 AM