Wireless/Network Support


If you're having issues connecting to the Nazareth network ( both wired and wireless)  you can get assistance here.


Nazareth faculty, staff and students

Getting Started

Click on the Request Service button on this page to open a ticket for ITS support.   Please be sure to take note of where the issue occurs (i.e. building/room, entire campus, etc) and include the device type you are trying to connect.  The more details you can provide will speed the resolution of your issue. The MAC address from your device is also VERY helpful.  Please see the associated KB article on the right of this page for assistance on finding your devices MAC address.

Additional Resources


Request Service

Related Articles (1)

How to find the MAC address on some common devices such as laptop computers, tablets and smartphones. The MAC address can be very important for troubleshooting network access issues and should be included in any support tickets created related to network connectivity