My Recently Visited Services
Students who would like to authorize faculty to release information related to their progress in a specific course instead of granting access to their entire academic record should complete and return this form to the specific faculty overseeing the selected course. A separate form is required for each class.
The following form is for students who have completed a legal name and/or gender change who are seeking to update their student record.
Students who would like to review their educational records may submit this form.
Students may withdraw from a course through the deadline posted on the Academic Calendar. A grade of 'W' will be posted on the academic transcript which does not impact GPA.
Students who would like their directory information suppressed may submit this form.
If you want to take a course for credit, complete the non-matriculated approval form.
For undergraduate students looking to do any of the following related to course registration: add a credit to a course, overload beyond 19 credits, repeat a course, register for two courses that have a time conflict, or a senior wishing to enroll in a graduate course.
The purpose of independent study is to delve into a special area of interest within the student's major that is beyond the scope of any of the College's current offerings. The student undertaking such a project should have good background preparation in the subject.
Students who would like to give third parties, including parents, permission to discuss their educational records with Nazareth faculty or staff submit this form.
Contact us with your general questions or requests here. Please be sure to check all other categories first to see if any meet your needs.