Connect Android Devices to MyNazOutdoor


Instructions for configuring the networking on Android devices to allow them to connect to the MyNazOutdoor SSID on campus.



To connect to MyNazOutdoor on an Android phone, you’ll need to create a new network and enter the settings first before connecting.  If you have already tried connecting you can find the network in your list of networks then press and hold to be able to select Modify, then enter the settings.

Instructions for Setting Network Connection Values

Enter each value for the network as specified below:

  1. Network Name: MyNazOutdoor
  2. Security: 802.1x EAP
  3. EAP method: PEAP
  4. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  5. CA certificate: Use system certificate
  6. Domain:
  7. Identity: nazareth\[your MyNaz Username]
    1. Example: nazareth\nswoop1
  8. Anonymous Identity: Leave this Blank
  9. Password: Your MyNaz password
  10. Advanced Options: Leave all as Defaults

Example Settings



Article ID: 136734
Wed 11/10/21 10:31 AM
Thu 1/16/25 10:18 AM

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