Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor


Provides an overview of Resources for Respondus Academic Integrity Tools.



This article provides an overview of Resources for Respondus Academic Integrity Tools.

Faculty administering assessments using Moodle Quiz may require students to use additional academic integrity tools such as Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. Students being asked to use of these tools for a Moodle Quiz must have access to a device with LockDown Browser in a campus lab or install the application on their personal computer prior ot the test.

Student Resources

General student guidance on Respondus academic integrity tools is available on  the Respondus LockDown Browser page of the student technology support site.  This includes download instructions for students with PC and Mac devices as well as instructions for installing the LockDown Browser extension for students with Chromebooks.

Student questions about Respondus LockDown Browser should always be first directed to overseeing faculty in a course.  For technical assistance with the installation process, students can submit a request to Technology and Media Service Desk (TMSD) or call 585-389-2111.

Faculty Resources

Faculty-centered information and resources are available on the Respondus Academic Integrity Tools page of the faculty technology support site.  This includes an overview of features, a faculty checklist for success and links to other resources.  To reduce technical issues problems, Faculty are strongly encouraged to communicate the course requirement to use these tools, provide installation instructions and offer a low-stakes practice quiz in advance of the assessment date. 

For training or questions in advance of using Respondus Academic Integrity Tools in their courses, faculty should contact Teaching and Learning Technologies to schedule a consultation.

Additional Resources



Article ID: 135795
Tue 9/21/21 9:00 AM
Thu 2/29/24 12:58 PM